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Mobile App
ICS4Schools, at it's core, is an Emergency Management Group, yet ICS4Schools believes in a multifaceted approach to safety response. One of our biggest accomplishments is the development and PATENTED mobile response app.
This proprietary and patented app, fully compliments the comprehensive training ICS4Schools provides. Below, you can see some of the features our mobile response app provides.
Emergency Reporting System
The "Emergency Reporting System," is our patented cornerstone. With this feature, users will no longer be "in the dark" on their campus, workplace, event, or venue. If an emergency or notification is recorded, everyone that is enrolled and opt-in within our app will now be notified in seconds. Gone are the days where many people at schools have said, "we had no idea what was going on because we are at the back of the campus." Now, every single person, anywhere, can report and receive emergency notifications.

Documentation & Maps
Documentation is pivotal, especially during emergencies. When it comes to liability, documentation will be what courts stand on. But there are many times where people are just too busy to record information on paper. ICS4Schools utilizes the ICS Form 214 for this function (see image). With the ICS4Schools App, you can simply speak into your phone for each and every documented event that takes place under your role. Every documented event is time-stamped and captured by each team member.
Maps are a great tool during emergencies. Just like in the Fire Service, maps provide needed information at a simple glance. Find multiple maps with multiple target hazards or identifications all within the ICS4Schools App. Above is an example of our maps produced with the use of a drone camera.